About Myself
Conscious management of changes and its design is a central element in my life.
Learning is a key element for me.
As an engineer with a PhD degree, I am interested in "bridge building" between people, I like joined-up thinking as well as target oriented, structured method of working. I want to support people and companies to achieve sustainable and effective goals through my personal and professional competences.
My professional and practical support is based on a solid foundation resulting from:
- long-term experience in an industrial, technical as well as international environment
- profound expert knowledge in Quality Management, Change Management and Process Management as well as Leadership, Project Management and intercultural Communication
- 20 years of leadership experience
- comprehensive theoretical knowledge
- my personality
(optimistic, interested in people, reliable, trustworthy, structured, committed, curious and eager to learn)
My professional experience in a nutshell
- Self-employed since 2015
Focus: Change Management for companies and individuals - 20 years of leadership experience in the Logistics Sector and Automation Industry in an international, technical environment
- Head of staff departments and development departments
- Worldwide responsibility for Quality and Process Management, Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection
- Build-up and Management of international teams with members from Asia, Europe and North America
- Long-term management of company-internal improvement projects and programs based on ISO 9001 and CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration)
- Project Manager for customer projects
- Long-term experience as development engineer for Image Processing in small and mid-size companies in Germany and Switzerland
Further information concerning my CV can be found at LinkedIn (English) und Xing (German)
My further education and qualification
- Certified EOQ / DGQ Quality Manager *1)
- Certified Business Trainer
- Certified Business Coach and Personal Coach
- Further education for Management, Economics and Change Management at Institute of Management St. Gallen (SGMI), St. Gallen, Switzerland
- Several Training courses in Leadership, Communication, Quality Management, Process Management, Project Management, Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection
- Study of Geodesy (Dipl.-Ing.) including PhD (Dr.-Ing.) at Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Bonn
*1) EOQ = "The European Organization for Quality"; DGQ = "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität"
- Member „Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität“ (DGQ)
- Member „Verein Deutscher Ingenieure“ (VDI)
Voluntary Activities
- Mentor at Spitzenfrauen Baden-Württemberg Program (see Spitzenfrauen Baden-Wuerttemberg)
- Mentor at VDI Mentoring Program (see VDI WoMentorING)
- Mentor at University of Konstanz (see Mentoring Program)
- Member of Audit Committee of Industrie- und Handelskammer (IHK) Hochrhein-Bodensee