There are numerous applications for Coaching.
My focus is on topics within a professional environment, e.g.
- Company Development and Potential
- Personal Development and Potential
- Review of professional Targets and Possibilities
- Career Planning, Life Planning
- Strength and Competence Profile Development
- Value System Orientation
- Decision Making
- Change Planning
- Conflict Management
- Behavior Development
For information about my understanding of Coaching, please see the chapter "Self-Image"
Target Group
- Leaders
- Leaders-to-be
- Project Managers, Team Leaders
- Employees
- Quality Managers of companies/organizations or projects
- Individuals, e.g.
People in professional transition or orientation phases
People with profession-related challenges, e.g. mastering of difficult situations
Young women or men with STEM field background
(STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
My long-term professional life experience as well as my theoretical knowledge are the basis for my work. My knowledge has been constantly extended by further qualification and learning.
Methods used by me are derived for example from communication and behavior models, learning and self-management models as well as from system theory. They will be implemented flexibly depending on the specific situation and adapted individually as necessary.
Trustworthy cooperation is a key success factor during Coaching. Based on a respectful relationship an approach will be worked out to achieve the target effectively and advantageously.
Coaching provides the possibility to take new perspectives, to detect new points of view, which may be the first step to the solution. In addition one's behavior can be reconsidered, one's self-image can be reviewed and feedback can be evaluated in a protected environment. New ways can be found and these can be supported by experiment.
Coaching is nowadays used in many constellations. My personal understanding of Coaching is explained in the chapter "Self-Image".
- Clarification of topic and target definition
- Analysis of situation (retrospective + status quo)
- Development and review of solution alternatives
- Trial stage
- Final stage, evaluation
On request steps 3 and 4 can be iterated and repeated several times. The target can be reviewed if needed.
More important than the term Coaching is the benefit which is generated for the individual or the company. During the Coaching sessions I add complementary explanations where necessary and with regard to the targeted goals. Consulting or Training of specific behavior may be added if required and I will make it clear to the customer which role I take.